Background on the Innovation Grant Program
The EEF's Innovation Grant program strives to fund projects that demonstrate innovative/creative ideas that support the District's current Strategic and Financial plans. Foundation grants are not intended to fund classroom and/or building level needs as these needs are most often met by unit budgets and/or building level PTOs. While the initial scope of the project may be limited to a classroom/level/building/etc., the EEF looks at the project's potential to impact the District as a whole, especially as it might relate to innovations in curriculum and delivery of instruction/assessments that facilitate effective differentiation. These proof of concept projects teach us valuable lessons not only about what DOES work but also about what DOESN'T.
Grant applicants are asked to submit a short term plan for how their idea will be implemented initially and a long term vision describing how they think their idea could improve learning across the district. The EEF is looking for ideas with the potential to be considered for future funding through the EEF super grant program and/or ideas that, if proven successful, might justify inclusion in the District's operating budget.
The EEF grant committee includes both administrators and PTO representatives from each level to ensure an objective review of each grant application. The Foundation does not have a dollar limit for grant requests, however the total amount awarded in a grant cycle is limited by the amount of money the EEF is able to allocate to grants in a given year.