Has a teacher, principal, or coach had a profound impact on your student? Has a bus driver or custodian gone above and beyond to help your club or family out? Do you wish there was a way to thank that person for all that they do? There is!!
The Elmbrook Education Foundation, in partnership with The Corners of Brookfield and the School District of Elmbrook, is kicking off its Annual Thank You Thursday initiative so you can express your gratitude! Nominate a Staff Member Today!
Again this year, one nomination has three times the value. Staff members receive a copy of their thank you note recognizing their efforts, each thank you is eligible for a weekly drawing for a $25 gift card to The Corners of Brookfield, and is considered for an Engaged in Excellence award from the School District of Elmbrook. The staff member with the most thank you notes will receive a $250 shopping spree to The Corners of Brookfield.
Nominations are accepted now until February 9th - do not delay!